April 2024
Dear ,
April's been a busy month at ISHA: We've
welcomed a new director to our senior management team, celebrated numerous cultural festivals, and made some important policy updates.
We've updated our complaints policy to comply with
the Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code. We've also revised our privacy statements to ensure you understand how we securely handle and store your data.
And we're getting
excited about Spring with our ISHA in Bloom gardening competition. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your green thumb. We love your vibrant photos of plants, flowers, and all things green. Share your photo with us at news@isha.co.uk for a chance to win shopping vouchers.
If you have friends or neighbours who are ISHA residents, why not encourage them to sign up for email updates delivered directly to their inbox?
Best wishes,
Thea McNaught-Reynolds
Director of Culture, Communications, and Involvement